About Us

Dewa Samudera, LLC (pronounced Day-wah Sah-moo-dra) is the brand representative of PT Afiat in USA.

The fresh, subtly herbal flavor and the jewel-box packaging of Pagoda Pastilles Original made these candies a multi-generational hit in Indonesia.  The parent company, PT Afiat Industri Farmasi, was founded in 1965 and is the oldest candy manufacturer in the country.  It has grown to offer many products, including the fruity Yogenfrez candy; the zesty, low-sugar Xylitol mint; and the distinctive Pagoda Pastilles Licorice. 

Dewa Samudera is a Chicago-based family business with roots in Bandung and Bogor, Indonesia.  Dewa Samudera, meaning “God of the Ocean,” was named after the expanse that both separates and connects their two homes, enabling them to share a new cultural taste with their American clients.